Should I Go to the Doctor After a Car Accident?

By Steve A. Pisman


December 5, 2023

So you’ve just been in a car accident. Maybe it was little more than a fender bender, or maybe your car suffered serious crash damage. But either way, you seem to have gotten lucky. You were able to walk away with what seems like only a few minor aches and pains. It’s normal to ask yourself: “Do I really need to see a doctor?”

The answer, always, is yes.

Even if it was a “minor” car accident. Even if you’re busy and don’t want to miss appointments. Even if your injuries seem little more than some bumps and bruises. If you have any symptoms after a crash whatsoever, you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Not in a week, or even a few days. Today.

In this blog post, we’ll explain why.

A man consulting with a medical professional

3 Reasons Why You Should Always See a Doctor About Car Accident Injuries

1. Symptoms Can Be Delayed

Delayed-onset injuries are extremely common after car accidents.

Immediately after a car crash, your body releases adrenaline and other hormones that can act as temporary painkillers and mask underlying injuries. On top of that, some injuries simply take 24-48 hours (or more) for symptoms to develop and worsen. This is especially true of soft tissue injuries like whiplash, sprains, and strains. This is because secondary injury processes (like tissue inflammation) are delayed.

It’s not at all unusual for people to decline medical attention at the scene, delay seeing a doctor for several days (or longer), and eventually discover that they actually had a herniated disc, muscle tear, or other serious injury that required significant medical treatment—sometimes even surgery.

2. Rest Isn’t Always Best (and Could Make Things Worse)

Some aches and pains respond well to rest. If you spend the rest of the day on the couch, get a good night’s sleep, and you’re already feeling better in the morning, that’s a good sign.

However, with more severe injuries, rest alone won’t be sufficient. You need medical treatment to get better. And by waiting to see a doctor, you increase the risk of those injuries becoming more severe or chronic. Sitting on the couch all day while your pain gets worse could be one of the worst things you can do for your long-term health.

3. Delaying Treatment Can Wreck Your Car Accident Claim

Again, we understand that a lot of people try to avoid seeing a doctor unless they absolutely need to. So why not wait a couple of days and see if things get better?

Well, aside from the medical risks we just talked about, waiting on treatment could make it much harder to get fair compensation from an insurance company if it turns out you do need to file a personal injury claim.

First of all, you need detailed medical records to link specific injuries and symptoms to the car crash. The longer you wait to get evaluated by a medical professional, the harder it is to prove your injuries are crash-related.

And it’s not just about not having the evidence you need. When you don’t see a doctor right away, you make it much easier for the insurance company (or a jury) to question your honesty and integrity. They will say, “If you were really hurt as badly as you say, why didn’t you seek immediate medical attention? Why did you wait so long to see a doctor? Why didn’t you tell the responding police officer about your symptoms?”

Even if you think you have a good answer to those questions, the insurance company will still try to cast doubt on your personal injury claim. Their goal is to save money, not to pay you a fair settlement. And they know that, if your case goes to trial, the jury may be skeptical, too.

Ongoing Medical Care Is Crucial

So, now you understand the importance of seeking medical attention right away. Even if you don’t need to go to the emergency room after the crash, see your primary care physician (or another medical professional, if necessary) as soon as you can—ideally within 24 hours.

Now, the next step is to make sure you’re following your doctor’s instructions faithfully and keeping up with all your appointments.

Remember: the insurance company is going to be watching you. They’ll be reviewing not only the medical records from right after the crash, but also any follow-up treatments and evaluations relevant to your personal injury claim.

We understand how tempting it is to “cheat” on your doctor’s orders—especially on days when you’re either at your lowest or feeling unexpectedly great. When you’re in a lot of pain, it can be hard to push through your treatment and rehab. And when you’re feeling good, it’s tempting to do more walking, lifting, or activities that your doctor hasn’t cleared you to perform.

But when you stray from your treatment plan, you give the insurance company a perfect excuse to chip away at your personal injury claim. For example, if you disobey doctor’s orders and your injury ends up reaggravating or taking longer than expected to heal, the insurance company may argue that the medical setbacks are your fault, and they don’t owe you any compensation for additional medical expenses.

Not Sure What to Do Next? Powell and Pisman Injury Lawyers Can Help

The first few days and weeks after a crash can be incredibly frustrating, confusing, and stressful for car accident victims. Even if you understand how important it is to seek medical care, you might not know what options are available or who to turn to.

Fortunately, you don’t have to navigate the complex and confusing world of health care alone. A car accident lawyer from Powell and Pisman Injury Lawyers can help.

Our attorneys help people like you every day. Over the years, we have developed connections with top medical professionals throughout the Chicagoland area. If you need a recommendation or referral for a great specialist, we can help. We’ll even check up on you to make sure you’re receiving the best treatment and getting the medical documentation you need for your personal injury case.

Just like with doctors, the best time to contact a personal injury lawyer after a crash is as soon as possible. Crucial evidence that could prove who was at fault in the crash won’t last for long. Our team will conduct a thorough investigation and aggressively defend your legal rights, so that you can focus on getting better.

RELATED POST: Is it Worth Getting an Attorney After a Chicago Car Accident? – Powell and Pisman Injury Lawyers

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At Powell and Pisman Injury Lawyers, you get more lawyer for less fee. Our attorneys pride themselves on their quick and professional service, exceptional client care, and aggressive pursuit of justice, accountability, and maximum compensation—even if it means taking your case to trial.

We’ve won more than 75 settlements and verdicts of $1 million or more, and we promise in writing that we’ll never make more in legal fees than our clients do. That means more money in your pocket—where it belongs. And if we don’t win, you owe us nothing.

Don’t wait any longer for the answer and care you deserve. Call us at (866) 936-4718 or complete our easy online contact form to get started.

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.

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