Chicago Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Were you injured in a pedestrian accident in Chicago, Illinois? You may be entitled to file a personal injury claim for monetary damages. Powell and Pisman Injury Lawyers can help you secure compensation for your damages. Contact our law office in Chicago, IL, today at (312) 635-5400 to speak with a Chicago pedestrian accident lawyer

A lawyer can help you secure compensation for your lost wages, emotional distress, pain and suffering, medical treatment, and more. We’ve been helping injured victims in the Windy City since our opening. Our lawyers have 35 years of experience in total and have won over $250 million in jury verdicts and settlements to date. That’s a longstanding track record of successful results you can depend on.

Call our law office in Chicago, IL, today if you’d like to get started or have any questions. We offer a free initial consultation.

How Powell and Pisman Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Pedestrian Accident in Chicago, IL

How Powell and Pisman Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Pedestrian Accident in Chicago, IL

When a pedestrian is involved in an accident with a bicyclemotorcyclecar accident, or another vehicle, the consequences can be significant. As the victim, you may be dealing with life-long pain and suffering on top of mounting financial losses that only increase as you have to miss work. Hiring a qualified Chicago personal injury attorney will allow you to focus on your health while they pursue maximum compensation on your behalf.

Powell and Pisman Injury Lawyers is a top-rated Chicago personal injury law firm. Our experienced Chicago personal injury attorneys are nationally recognized for their legal services and are prepared to take your case to trial if necessary. 

Upon hiring us to help after a pedestrian accident, our Chicago pedestrian accident lawyers will:

  • Identify your best legal options
  • Gather the available evidence
  • Fully evaluate your claim’s value
  • Protect you from any allegations of blame
  • Take care of all the communications
  • Negotiate a settlement on your behalf
  • File a lawsuit in court if necessary

Contact our Chicago, IL, law offices to begin forming an attorney-client relationship. Your initial case assessment is free of charge.

How Common Are Pedestrian Accidents in Illinois?

Pedestrian accidents are a major concern across the country, including the State of Illinois. Nationwide, there were 2,373 people killed in pedestrian accidents in the first half of 2023 alone. 

For Illinois, specifically, the recent data is as follows:

  • 2023: 99 fatalities
  • 2022: 91 fatalities
  • 2021: 70 fatalities

Keep in mind these figures only reflect fatal accidents, not those that result in nonfatal injuries or no injuries at all. These pedestrian accident statistics also demonstrate an upward trend, at least as far as Illinois in particular is concerned.

What Is My Chicago Pedestrian Accident Case Worth?

Once we’ve had the chance to meet with you and review the facts of your case, we can provide you with a meaningful estimate of its value. 

Our legal team will assess many factors as we determine what your pedestrian accident case in Chicago is worth, including: 

  • Type/severity of your injuries
  • The extent of your financial losses
  • Strength of the supporting evidence
  • Whether you’ll fully recover
  • Nature of your pain and suffering
  • Identity of the at-fault party
  • Whether you contributed to causing the accident
  • Your age when the collision took place

Properly evaluating a case is an important step in the personal injury claims process. If you don’t carefully add up your damages, you could walk away with less compensation than you are due under state law.

We’ll Fight for Compensation for All of Your Pedestrian Accident Injuries

Pedestrians almost always sustain injuries in an accident with a motor vehicle. Oftentimes, these are life-changing injuries that the victim may not ever reach maximum medical improvement (MMI) from – meaning they are left with a permanent disability. 

Common injuries include:

  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Amputations
  • Road rash
  • Lacerations
  • Internal bleeding
  • Organ damage
  • Back injuries
  • Concussions
  • Other traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Paralysis
  • Leg injuries
  • Crushing injuries
  • Eye injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

Our pedestrian accident attorneys in Chicago are passionate about fighting for the rights of victims. Get in touch with us today for a free case evaluation and learn more about how we can help.

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents in Chicago

Most pedestrian accidents are caused by driver error and are entirely preventable if the responsible party acts with due care. 

More specifically, the most prevalent causes include:

  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Speeding
  • Failing to check blind spots
  • Drunk driving
  • Malfunctioning traffic signals
  • Fatigued driving
  • Running a red light or stop sign
  • Aggressive driving
  • Poor weather or visibility
  • Defective parts/machinery
  • Road defects
  • Drugged driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Improper turns and lane changes

No matter the cause of your pedestrian accident, reach out to us for help. The law generally doesn’t limit you based on the reason the crash happened as long as someone else is at fault for it.

What Damages Can I Recover After My Chicago Pedestrian Accident?

You can receive two forms of compensatory damages after a Chicago pedestrian accident: economic and non-economic. If your case reaches trial, you can potentially seek punitive damages.

Economic damages reflect the financial losses you’ve experienced, such as:

  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Current/future medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Therapy and rehabilitation

Non-economic damages represent your more subjective consequences, including:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Conditions like PTSD, depression, and anxiety
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Loss of consortium
  • Emotional distress

Punitive damages require you to bring “clear and convincing evidence” that the other party acted outrageously. For example, if they hit you with their vehicle on purpose, you may be able to pursue punitive damages. 

What if I’m Being Blamed for My Pedestrian Accident in Chicago, Illinois?

What if I’m Being Blamed for My Pedestrian Accident in Chicago, Illinois?

Pedestrian accident cases are subject to the Illinois “modified comparative negligence” law, and there is a 51% bar to recovery. Per this standard, you can still recover compensation for your injuries as long as you weren’t mostly at fault.

However, even if you are less than 51% responsible, your damages can be reduced. Sharing 40% of the blame would reduce your damages by 40%, for instance.

It makes sense to hire an attorney if you are being blamed for your injuries. Your lawyer will know how to respond effectively, aiming to maintain the full value of your claim.

What Is Negligence and How Do I Prove It?

Negligence is the legal theory that most personal injury claims are founded on. A person commits negligence if they do not act in a reasonable manner given the circumstances. 

Four legal elements comprise a negligence claim:

  • Duty of care
  • Breach of duty
  • Causation, proximate/factual
  • Damages

You must present enough proof to support each element “by a preponderance of the evidence,” which means about a more likely than not basis. 

Types of applicable evidence include:

  • Photos and videos
  • Eyewitness accounts
  • Expert analysis
  • Physical evidence
  • Medical records
  • Other documentation

Our personal injury lawyers in Chicago can help prove even the most complicated negligence cases. Get in touch today to learn more.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer?

How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer?

Almost every pedestrian accident lawyer in Chicago works on a contingency fee basis instead of charging upfront, by the hour, or a flat fee. The way it works is that you only pay attorney’s fees if your lawyer wins compensation for you.

In most cases, you will pay your lawyer around 33 to 40% of the jury verdict or settlement that is secured for you. Otherwise, your attorney essentially works for free. You’ll also agree to terms with your attorney ahead of time.

This system provides a powerful incentive for your lawyer to make your case as valuable as possible. You also don’t have to worry about your financial circumstances when it comes to hiring a lawyer.

How Much Time Do I Have To File a Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit in Chicago?

How Much Time Do I Have To File a Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit in Chicago?

By default, you have two years from your pedestrian accident to file a lawsuit in court – or finalize your insurance claim completely. This time limit is set by the state’s statute of limitations. If you miss the deadline, you will likely lose your right to pursue compensation.

There are only exceptions to this statute of limitations for rare cases, but they do exist. Contact our attorneys for help whenever possible after your pedestrian accident so that we can help you file a claim on time.

Schedule a Free Case Review With Our Experienced Chicago Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

Award-winning legal assistance is available if you were injured in a pedestrian accident in Chicago, Illinois. At Powell and Pisman Injury Lawyers, we understand the heavy burden that an accident like this can have on you and your loved ones.

Above all else, we care about helping you on a meaningful level – whatever that might mean for you and your interests. Our Chicago pedestrian accident attorneys regularly win high-dollar amounts for our clients, adding up to over $250 million altogether.

Contact us today at (312) 635-5400 for a completely free consultation. Remember: with our contingency fee payment structure, we only get paid if you do.

Client Review

Client Review

Read more of our client reviews on Google here.

Additional Chicago Pedestrian Accident Resources

Highly Rated Chiropractors in Chicago

  • Chicago Chiropractic – 1 E Delaware Pl Suite 401, Chicago, IL 60611
  • Spine and Sports Center of Chicago – Chiropractic & Rehabilitation – 430 W Erie St #603, Chicago, IL 60654
  • Elite Performance Chiropractic – 750 N Orleans St #303, Chicago, IL 60654
  • Team Doctors Chiropractic Treatment Center – 222 W Ontario St #503, Chicago, IL 60654
  • Centered Chicago – 161 E Erie St #103, Chicago, IL 60611

*Disclaimer – we do not endorse these companies or profit from having them listed on our website.

Visit Our Personal Injury Law Office in Chicago, IL

Powell and Pisman Injury Lawyers
875 N Dearborn St 4th Floor,
Chicago, IL 60610
(312) 635-5400

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